2. Step-by-Step Guide to Finding Wallets for WalletX

Quick guide on how to find wallets for WalletX so you can start scanning them and finding profitable traders to copy.

Step 1: Accessing Dex Screener

  1. Go to Dex Screener:

    • Visit Dex Screener to find coins with decent liquidity. Avoid coins with low liquidity, such as those with only 3K-6K liquidity, as the wallets trading these coins may have a high price impact which can affect your trades negatively.

  2. Selecting a Coin:

    • Select a coin with liquidity higher than 30k. This should provide plenty of trading data.

Step 2: Finding Top Traders

  1. Navigate to the Chart:

    • Once you select a coin, go to the Chart section.

    • Click on the "Top Traders" tab. This section shows all the winning traders trading this coin.

  2. Analyzing Top Traders:

    • Avoid Dev Wallets and MEV Wallets:

      • If a wallet didn't buy any tokens or has an unusual pattern, it might be a Dev wallet or an MEV wallet. Avoid these as they are not suitable for scanning or copying.

    • Avoid Rapid Traders:

      • Avoid wallets that trade very quickly (e.g., buy and sell within seconds) as the trading bots may not be able to keep up, leading to potential losses.

Step 3: Identifying Promising Wallets

  1. Finding Promising Wallets:

    • Look for wallets with patterns like buying in bulk and selling in multiple transactions. These wallets tend to have more consistent and profitable trading behaviors.

  2. Example Wallets:

    • A wallet that bought $63 worth in one transaction and sold in 19 transactions with a huge profit is promising. Such wallets are ideal for scanning in WalletX.

    • Another example is a wallet that bought in three transactions and sold in eight, showing a profitable and steady trading pattern.

  3. Copying Wallet Addresses:

    • Click on the wallet to open the Solscan link, copy the wallet address, and paste it into WalletX for scanning.

Step 4: Using WalletX for Scanning

  1. Entering Wallet Addresses:

    • In WalletX, paste the copied wallet address to scan and analyze the trading history and profitability.

  2. Analyzing Results:

    • Review the results provided by WalletX to determine if the wallet is worth copying.

Premium Features of WalletX

  1. WalletX Premium:

    • With WalletX Premium ($49/month), you don't need to manually find wallets. The premium service provides you with profitable wallets to scan and track daily.

    • Access the private Telegram chat for real-time profitable ALPHA wallet suggestions.

  2. Profitable Wallets Section:

    • The premium section includes a list of over 100+ profitable wallets, eliminating the need for manual searches.

    • Use tags like #Alpha or #Scalper to find specific types of wallets.

  3. Additional Features:

    • Requesting contract addresses for specific tokens and having WalletX scan all related traders.

    • A community chat where users ask questions and share insights.


Using WalletX along with Trojan Bot on Solana allows you to effectively find and copy profitable wallets. This combination leverages the expertise of successful traders and automates your trading strategy.

Let me know what you think about this guide in the comments below. If you're interested in copy trading, definitely check out Trojan Bot for it. Use the link provided to save 10% on trading fees.

Have a great day!

Last updated